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Blue Scar dig day

Meeting at the Afan Visitors centre for 10oclock, parking will be free for the volunteers. From there we will walk up the climb dewatering and cutting back, then down Jim Crow, transport back from the end of Jim Crow will be provided.

ATV Trail Maintenance Day – FAQs
We’re looking forward to welcoming everyone on our trail maintenance days here at Afan. Before joining us for a maintenance day, check over these frequently asked questions. If your question isn’t covered below then email us at
Q: Do I need to book a place on an ATV trail maintenance day?
A: Nope. Just come along to the designated meeting point for the day.
Q: My son/daughter would really like to get involved too, can they come along?
A: To comply with insurance, risk assessment and safeguarding, all volunteers for trail maintenance need to be 18yrs and over.
Q: What should I wear?
A: Safety/steel toecap boots or otherwise sturdy boots are required (wellies or rigger boots are not suitable). Heavy-duty gloves. Weather appropriate clothing/layers. Long trousers.
Q: Do I need to bring refreshment?
A: We strongly advise bringing plenty of snacks and fluids.
Q: How will we get to the work site?
A: The dig supervisor/s will help with transport or advise where to go from the meeting point.
Q: Will we have to walk far?
A: Depending on the intended work site, we may need to walk for a distance with our tools. The dig supervisor/s can provide more detail.
Q: What if I need to leave early?
A: Please let your dig supervisor know. They can advise you on directions from the work site or arrange transport back to the meet point at the appropriate time if required. It is important that you sign out with the dig supervisor before you leave the work site.
Q: I have a medical condition/allergy, can I still come along?
A: Of course. Just make your dig supervisor aware and ensure that you have your medication.
Q: What if I need the loo?
A: We’ll be working a reasonable distance from welfare facilities and taking comfort breaks. If you need more regular breaks just ask your dig supervisor.
Q: What if I have an accident?
A: All our dig supervisors have appropriate first aid training and access to a medical kit.
Q: I’ve never really used tools before.
A: That’s ok, we’ll show you how!
Q: I’m worried about coming along on my own.
A: Don’t worry! You’ll find a friendly, welcoming bunch of people who are delighted you’ve come along to help.

August 13

Blue Scar (Cutting Back)

November 7

Trail Maintenance Day